Hoje, na minha viagem ao mundo dos aromas, descobri não somente seu perfume único e delicado, mas também sua importância na perfumaria. A violeta floresce cedo na primavera e quanto mais o sol e o calor se aproximam, mais rapidamente elas se vão. O óleo "absoluto" pode ser extraído de suas flores pelo método de "enfleurage" em Grasse, mas o sintético ionone reproduz o aroma perfeitamente. Também as folhas da violeta geram um suave cheiro de terra e folhas verdes bastante usado na maioria das vezes em perfumaria fina devido ao seu alto custo.
Aqui em Grasse, a "maison" Fragornard está celebrando as violetas este ano com perfumes, sabonetes e velas. Um verdadeiro festival de violetas!
Fui conferir e escolhi uma cestinha com dois sabonetes de violetas, uma toalinha com ilustrações das flores azuis e um frasquinho de 8ml do "Violette" EDT. Junto com a cestinha, coloquei uma vela com aroma de violetas. Tudo foi embalado em uma caixa de presente maravilhosa para uma amiga muito especial em Austin. Afinal, ela merece algo especial depois de cuidar do meu cachorrinho lindo por duas semanas!
O "Violette" EDT é perfeito para a primavera, um delicado e suave "bouquet" de violetas com um frescor de folhas verdes. As embalagens de cada produto são pinturas em aquarela dando a coleção um ar jovial, etéreo e artístico. Um trabalho muito bonito.
Tenham uma excelente e perfumada semana!
Blue Lotus Flower
The violet has
been an early presence in my life, both the flower and the color. My
grandmother and my mother grew and collected these delicate and temperamental flowers
that prefer moisture and shade than sun. Later, when I started to paint oil
canvas and porcelain, the violet color was my favorite along with shades of
blue and purple. However, I have never given much importance for its olfactory value.
Today, on my journey to the world of scents, I discovered not only its unique and delicate perfume, but also its importance in perfumery. The violet blooms in early spring and the stronger the sun gets, the faster they go. The oil "absolute" can be extracted from its flowers by the method of "enfleurage" in Grasse, but the synthetic ionone perfectly replicates the aroma. Also the leaves produce a soft, earthy and green leaves scent that is often used in fine perfumery due to its high cost.
Here in Grasse, the "maison" Fragornard is celebrating the violet flowers this year with perfumes, soaps and candles. A true violet festival!
I went to check a Fragonard boutique and chose a little basket with two violets soaps, one little towel with illustrations of the blue flowers and a 8 ml flacon of "Violette" EDT. Along with the basket, I also put a candle with violet scent. Everything was packed in a beautiful gift box for a very special friend in Austin. After all, she deserves something special after taking care of my lovely puppy for two weeks!
The "Violette" EDT is perfect for spring, a delicate bouquet of violets, smooth with a freshness of green leaves. The packaging of each product is made with watercolor paintings giving the collection a youthful character, ethereal and artistic. A truthful work of art!
Today, on my journey to the world of scents, I discovered not only its unique and delicate perfume, but also its importance in perfumery. The violet blooms in early spring and the stronger the sun gets, the faster they go. The oil "absolute" can be extracted from its flowers by the method of "enfleurage" in Grasse, but the synthetic ionone perfectly replicates the aroma. Also the leaves produce a soft, earthy and green leaves scent that is often used in fine perfumery due to its high cost.
Here in Grasse, the "maison" Fragornard is celebrating the violet flowers this year with perfumes, soaps and candles. A true violet festival!
I went to check a Fragonard boutique and chose a little basket with two violets soaps, one little towel with illustrations of the blue flowers and a 8 ml flacon of "Violette" EDT. Along with the basket, I also put a candle with violet scent. Everything was packed in a beautiful gift box for a very special friend in Austin. After all, she deserves something special after taking care of my lovely puppy for two weeks!
The "Violette" EDT is perfect for spring, a delicate bouquet of violets, smooth with a freshness of green leaves. The packaging of each product is made with watercolor paintings giving the collection a youthful character, ethereal and artistic. A truthful work of art!
Have a great and fragrant week!
Blue Lotus Flower
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